Our vintage vehicles span the years from the end of the First World War to the Great Depression - 1919 -1930 We are vintage motoring enthusiastswho enjoy driving our historic cars, touring to interesting places and sharing our hobby with new and old friends. Our membership includes all ages, from 4th generation vintage car families to those who are new to the hobby. Our vehicles include original condition cars, authentically restored award winners and cars under restoration. Many members have considerable experience in operating, maintaining and restoring vintage vehicles and readily share their knowledge and skills. The Vintage Motor Club encourages the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all cars made between 1919-1930.
What is a Vintage Car? This definition, attributed to one of the VMC's Founders, the late Laurie Ogle, in 1956 sums it up : A Definition of the Vintage Car: It’s something that gets you in, takes your time, wastes your money, tries your patience, takes the skin off your knuckles, risks your neck, clutters up your backyard, annoys your neighbours, rattles like a bucket of bolts, freezes you in winter, fires you in summer and generally makes you its slave. But it is worth every bit of it, even if it’s just for the friends that it makes for you, and the good times you have together. Laurie Ogle, from the VMC Bulletin, June 1956
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