To find historic car clubs throughout Australia and internationally click on -
Councils and Federations of Car Clubs Australian and International organisations that promote and represent the interests of historic vehicle enthusiasts. From these organisations you can locate regional and local car clubs.
For more information about vintage cars and the old car hobby click on -
Vintage Car sites - auto history and restoration
For current issues click on -
Vintage Car Related Issues- Ethanol fuels, car registration requirements and other matters that affect the old car hobby.
Councils and Federations of Car Clubs Australian and International organisations that promote and represent the interests of historic vehicle enthusiasts. From these organisations you can locate regional and local car clubs.
For more information about vintage cars and the old car hobby click on -
Vintage Car sites - auto history and restoration
For current issues click on -
Vintage Car Related Issues- Ethanol fuels, car registration requirements and other matters that affect the old car hobby.